Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm not afraid.

Ok. This is just house issues post. For us. Mainly me.
#1 a. Is my name on here permanently going to be Zach? I thought I would be able to change it. I need to change it.
b. I also would like some feedback on my name if I can change it. I will probably make it Metalsmith. It's this crazy multiple entendre name I use for me. Thoughts are/were "I love metal, last name is Smith; I write metal, hence a crafter or smither of it; and now as Eva has referred to me Black Smith (did I tell you the story Margaret?), metalsmith is a synonym for blacksmith (this online game i play, the armorers are called metalsmiths, that is privy info, i am=huge nerd). I like it, I don't know why I'm asking for approval. It's what I want, damn it.
c. Margaret, M makes me think of Bond's boss. Sweet. Except it's been Judy Dench lately.
#2 Can I get emails somehow whenever there's a post or comment? I couldn't figure this out. I feel like John McCain. I feel so lucky. I also may need to be taught things like posting pics or videos though I think I know what I'm doing. Even if I don't know what I'm doing, I'll act like I do. That makes me feel like Barack. Downhome Barack though. You see that ad or something about if his name was Barack Smith or Barry Obama ( my bro told me about it)? My dad's name is Barry Smith.
#3 We should start writing stuff, get our bloglegs. Some of us may need to learn to write more (maybe me), some less (maybe Eva (oh man the battles begin)), some may need to learn to use parentheses less (Margaret, cause I have nothing to make fun of you for in my head right now(I'm hilarious, probably cause I'm drinking a beer after two days of sobriety, smokeless and boozeless till now))
#4 Right now, I feel like I have alot to say about my move. But I also feel like nothing has happened. I guess I could write about those conflicting feelings. I don't know what I think about writing just for the sake of writing. We should write about that in these premature blogulations.


Metalsmith said...

Eva, you can't be the Big Bad Blog unless we're stuck with these names.

The Markitect said...

I probably would have read this post had it been written by metalsmith.

Evil Sol said...

I'll keep this short -

Fuck you I started this blog.
I am the BIG BAD BLOG.

Dear Blog, its me margaret...

Neo must find the markitect...

The best Saved by the Bell band was the Five Aces, sorry ZACH Attack...

Metalsmith said...


Evil Sol said...

To become Metal Smith, go in and edit your profile name.