Sunday, December 7, 2008

Today is a new day.

So i finally cleaned out my car today. Its been months that the mound in my back seat has been growing. For so long I drove around in shame when I had to tell people, "sorry, I can't give more than one passenger a ride." Thanks to the recycling service that my parents now subscribe to, I can finally get rid of all the recyclable waste I have been waiting to recycle. So anyway, I thought I would blog about an idea I had a while ago but never got around to posting.

I was driving to UNK a few weeks ago and in a surprisingly good mood. I was listening to my favorite "classic pop" stations and felt like I was on top of the world. This Bryan Adams song came on the radio. Maybe you remember it, "Have you ever really loved a woman?". It was written for the movie Don Juan DeMarco starring Johnny Depp and Marlon Brando about a psycho who thinks he's... you guessed it, Don Juan DeMarco.

Anyway, the point is, every time I hear this five-minute ballad I think about how ridiculous it is that the word "really" takes up (what seems like) 18 percent of the song's lyrics.

This is where the blog comes in.
I got to thinking that this song could become one component of a drinking game. Every time you hear the word "really", take a drink. This would of course be difficult because some lines of the song are "have you ever really, really really ever loved a woman... to really love a woman.. really... really... really..."

So I kept digging into this idea that the game is tied to the blog. So like, people would all get online, one person would post their contribution to the game. For example, I would start the game off by posting the Bryan Adams song, the premise of the round, and then a link to the song/video. We'd play out that round, people would blog comments and then someone else would post a new round that people can complete from satellite locations.

I don't know. I tried running through my head how this scenario would play out. Is it feasible? Would it be any fun? What would people come up with?...


The Markitect said...

To do this, all we need are straws.

The twistier, the better.

The Markitect said...

Wait, I think I totally misunderstood the end of this blog entry. Let me keep thinking.